When you are looking for a personal loan, it’s become difficult to choose a suitable lender. Whether you should go to a bank, NBFCs or any other financial situation. Well, when you are confused to decide, the best way is to check a lender such as Canara Bank.
Here, we will you tell you about Canara bank personal loan details. What are its features, documents requirement, eligibility criteria, and how to apply? Please keep reading to know more.
Canara Bank Personal Loan Features
Here are the details for Canara bank persona loan, you need to know.
- Easy and quick approval
- Loan available for both salaried and Self-employed
- Overall more than 6000 Branches all over India
- If you are working in a large company, you may get special offers, schemes and discounts
- Two types of personal loan, Canara Budget and Canara Teachers
Canara Bank Personal Loan Eligibility Criteria
When you are applying for a personal loan, there are specific criteria you need to satisfy. Here are the Canara Bank persona loan eligibility criteria.
- Age – The applicant age should be between 21 Years and 65 Years.
- The applicant should be of Indian nationality.
- The applicant should be a salaried individual or self-employed professional.
- The applicant salary should be minimum of Rs 20,000 (Will vary as per city).
- The preferred credit score is 750.
Canara Bank Personal Loan EMI Calculator
Once you have decided, you want to take an instant personal loan, the first thing you want to know is the monthly EMI. Well, to calculate it, you need to use Canara Bank Personal loan EMI calculator. You will need three things.
- Loan amount
- Rate of Interest
- Tenure
Once you put these options into the calculator, it will tell you the monthly EMI. Now, we will see what are the documents requirement for the loan.
Required Documents for Canara Bank Personal loan
- 2 Passport Size photograph
- Aadhar card
- PAN Card
- Banks statement and salary slip for the last 3 months.
- Latest Form 16
So, these are the documents you will need to submit. Now, let’s see how you can apply for Canara bank personal loan.
How to apply for Canara Bank personal loan
There are two ways of Applying for a Canara bank personal loan. First is, you can apply at affiliate financial institute which has ties up with Canara Bank.
The second way is, you can directly visit a Canara bank branch. There you can ask for the details and apply for the loan.
The third way to apply is via Afinoz.com, which is an online platform to apply. Here is the process. is really easy to follow. Head to the website, sign up on it. From there submit the loan application, upload the documents. A representative will contact you for further process.
How to check Canara Bank personal loan status after applying?
If you have applied via Canara Bank website, head to the website or the nearest branch to check the status. For Afinoz, in it’s the app or on the website there is track application feature. With this feature, you can check the personal loan status. Enter the loan application ID to know the status.
So, now you know everything about Canara bank personal loan to apply for the loan. The one last thing is, make sure the read the loan doafcuments carefully before finally signing. For more info, you can check out Afinoz.com.